MR2-R Overflowing


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I have an MR2-R with a large waste container. The skimmer is being fed from the return pump and flows the water back to the sump. The skimmer sits above the sump water level and the output is plumed with a 90 degree angle pipe and directed to flow under the sump water level. Here is a picture of the setup before it was turned on, note that the pipe going into the sump was extended:
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I adjust the gate valve so the water level is just under the quick connect so I can see the foam.
Now, it works ok for a a day or two as in it starts filling the collection cup with green nasty stuff, but then after a day or two, for no apparent reason I will find it had overflowed and filled up the waste collector. This happens quite consistently... what am I doing wrong?
Your water level inside the skimmer is too high. It should be about 2" or so above the blue box; the foam head will build and rise to the top. You may need to make an adjustment, but start there.
I have the same skimmer...also make sure the pipe exiting the skimmer body is not underwater...I set mine to exit about 1" above the water in my sump and I put a "T" at the very bottom. That way if the water in your sump ever rises (feeding, maint, etc) the water should not impact it too much.

The water in the pipe has to overcome the head pressure to exit the pipe if it is exposed. If the water level in your sump stays rock constant it should not be an issue, however.

I however, turn off my main via Apex to feed and keep food in water column instead of sump and this raised havoc on my skimmer as the varying water levels in my sump would rise above my skimmer exit and cause it to back up just as you are describing.

I could just shut off skimmer during feed cycles; however, I find that the pump surges when starting up and sometimes causes a similar issue. This way the skimmer is always steady state.

Hope is works for you.
Thanks for the info Mike. I do have my pipe underwater to reduce splatter but my sump level stay put. I'll adjust the level first and if that doesn't do it, I'll remove the pipe and let it free flow to the sump.
Since this is resolved, I figure I'll ask a question also..

I have the MR2 with dual becketts being fed by a Little Giant 3 (the 1100gph one) I noticed the other day one of the becketts didn't have the slight layer of bubbles on top of the water in the injector tube. I figured it was just dirty so I popped them both out to give them a cleaning. Still nothing though.. They got installed the right way when I put them back together, just doesn't seem to be creating the air draw.. Any ideas?
Hanin, what you can also do to equalize the pressure in the pipe entering the water is to drill 4-6 holes in the pipe a couple inches before the pipe enters the water. The holes will equalize pressure and you still get much less splashing, as you can leave the pipe below water level. I did this with my Orca. I installed a coupler in the pipe about a foot above the sump water level, then just drilled the pipe and the coupler held the two pieces together with just friction. A little water comes out the holes you drill in the pipe to equalize the pressure, but not enough to cause salt spray.
That is a great idea Dave. I think you wrote about it before but I managed to forget ;) early signs of senility...