thinking about a large tank need help


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i am for sure going to get a custom 450 to 500 gallon glass tank

i am wanting a large 5 to 7 inch sailfin tang

and a regal blue 71/2 inch tang

3, 4 inch yellow tangs

1, 3 inch purple tang

i just want to know what size tank would b good so i would never have to upgrade with this size of tank again

the size dimensions i was thinking was length:96 width:33 and height:40 i know this is larger then 500 gallon but my minimum gallons is 500 and once again i want these fish i said and never want to have to upgrade my tank again

any suggestions on the dimensions would help thanks.
If you are having the tank made wider or longer is better than taller IMHO. I have 36" tall tank and would gladly trade the height for width, hard to clean and do anything on the bottom.
i said 33 wide but the probably is i could do 35 wide but the the door it is going through is only 36 wide so make it like 36 tall and 35 wide or something
Make it not so tall and put it in sideways. I took my door frame and stairs out to get mine in. Lot more options with a wider tank than a taller one, if you have the space.
so if i go with length 108, width 33 and high 30 i should be ok with never having to upgrade the tank with the fish i said above. i probably cant go any larger then that because the wall is 130 inch

Edit: also im going to have 400 to 500 pounds of rock in the tank and its gonna be a LPS SPS thank with some softys on the sand bed
i'm envious! and it's still just a pipe dream!

I have a 110 which is really a 4' 90 with extra height. I'm 6'3 and it's really a bugger to reach the sand. I would also recommend a little deeper over height because of the magnification of the glass/water. It makes the tank look a lot shorter front to back than it really is. You can actually build rockwork that has an appearance of depth instead of the big rock wall look.
I'm guessing longer is better for tangs, but that's just gut guess.