1.10.23 BOD Meeting Minutes


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ARC Meeting started 7:30PM 1/10/23


Justin Cook, Brian Cook, Bridgett Bass, David Foster, Adam Nitschke

Officer Election Results:

President: Justin Cook @jcook54

Vice President: David Doberman @Doberman13

Secretary: Brian Cook @Cook

Treasurer: Bridgett Bass @Gabridge83

CC agreement form submitted to Raj.

Gmail account – We need to pair back the account to minimize the cost. No longer free.

Trustee discussion: There are two spots to fill currently.

Trustees for 2023: Adam Nitschke, Doug Lockett, Bill Musselwhite

Justin to pursue a couple of members who have contacted him to determine level of interest

Meetings – Our virtual BOD meetings are technically open but not attended by supporting members

Discussion held on holding official scheduled public virtual meetings open to all. More discussion to follow to establish dates.

Newly elected officers now have admin access to the forum

Forum related – Badge discussion for members – tabled for now

Club Meeting
Bridgett to call Shindell’s to set up a meeting. Frag demo and frag swap selected for March 4th. Adam to reach out to Glenn to make sure no conflicts.

Justin has lost his bag sealer. Anyone have a spare sealer that can be used for the frag demo to seal frags?

T-Shirts are done. Shirts have been picked up from the printer and are available for sale.

Next board meeting Jan 31st 7:30PM.